Why I Chose my Design Elements


Starting off with my Background choice, I chose a Geographical vector image with a green background and light accents for the topography line for a couple of reasons. First of all the Island Kyoshi is technically Earth Kingdom territory, and a lot of design elements in the Earth Kingdom revolve around neutral colors, browns greens and tans, so I figured a more muted color palette in the back wouldn't take too much attention from what is on the page, I also cleverly chose the topographic design to represent ridges in the earth as I had said previously this is an Earth Kingdom territory and Avatar Kyoshi was born of the Earth Nation so I figured it would be relevant to the Island's History.

Text Selection

Next onto text selection, for the main headings I used the font Aboreto as it seemed like a strong yet elegant font, much like how Avatar Kyoshi is strong yet elegant, this is the same reason I chose Della Respira as my secondary header font. For the paragraphs I decided to use domine, a simple and legible font as I didn't want to draw any attention away from the substance of my paragraphs, I only wanted to make it easy for my viewer to read. the buttons and text boxes are all in line with the text and I made those green like the background, just to make it all more cohesive.

Image Selection

Lastly I want to talk about my images, I put most of them in line with the text so the viewer would know exactly what the text was relating to, although on the homepage there is one large image to show off the island itself. All of my images are relevant to the text next to them and all clips from the universe they are a part of.


I used Netlfix and Avatar Wiki for all of my images and for my font selections I used Google Web Fonts Helper my background was generated from BGJar

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