My Dinner Guests

Hayao Miyazaki

If you have ever seen a Studio Ghibli film you have seen Hayao Miyazaki's work, the director and animator for films such as Ponyo and Howl's Moving Castle, Miyazaki is a master in 2D animation. I would like to have Hayao Miyazaki over for dinner because he shaped my childhood and I'd like to express gratitude over the many movies he has made that inspired me to go down the path I am going today. I feel like he would be very chill and be able to give me good advice on what to do next in my artistic career, I feel like he understands wanting to capture the simple things in the most beautiful light more than anyone, and I want to follow in his artistic footsteps.


Master of all four elements, earth, fire, water and air Aang is the avatar who restored peace to the world while ending the one hundred year war between the fire nation and the rest of the world, as well as the last natural born airbender. I am currently in my 5th rewatch of the nickelodeon show Avatar the Last Airbender and after seeing how much Aang goes through while learning all 4 elements at the age of 12 really makes me feel like he has a lot of wisdom he could bestow on me. I feel like he would be a very polite dinner guest and be able to guide me well in my own life.

Jonah Scott

Rising voice actor in famous animes such as Beastars and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure I feel like Jonah Scott will be another great addition to the table due to his experience in the film industry as well as his bright personality. As well as being a voice actor Jonah Scott also streams on twitch where he plays games as well as just talks to his audience. I think Jonah and Aang will really get along together as they're both jokesters who love a good laugh, and I would just be thrilled to meet him.



Main Course




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