My favorite band: Mother Mother

Band Bio

Mother Mother is an alternative-pop Canadian band that started making music in the early 2000's but didn't gain much popularity until the late 2010's. Composed of five members, most notably Ryan Guldemond as lead vocalist and guitarist with his sister Molly as backup vocals and keyboardist. With eight albums out to date they are only gaining more and more attention, The band is currently on tour for their newest album 'Inside', to which I have tickets to go see this October here in Dallas. For more information on the band visit their wikipage here, or visit the band's webpage to listen to their music as well as find tickets to their upcoming show.

Why they're my favorite

I first found the band Mother Mother when I was in high school, and like most moody teens I felt like I was very alone, Mother Mother was very dark and brooding, and I felt a connection to the band. Their music is a little weird, they have odd, very high soft vocals at times, but their lyrics are what really got me. I remember listening to the song 'Ghosting' by them for the first time after my first real breakup, the song is about hanging around where you shouldn't be and dwelling on memories and being very sad, like a ghost. Overall the band Mother Mother has helped me get through some rough times and I still keep up with their new releases even now, they are definitely in my top 5 bands of all time.

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