My Dodge Ball Team

Hinata Shoyo

a stunning volleyball player from the anime Haikyuu, Shoyo is a team player who is full of energy and great at boosting team morale, he may be short but he is powerful and works hard to earn his place on the team.


A fusion of two gems Garnet has the brains and the brawn of a team captain, cool and collected she will never let the opposing team know her next move, and she is a great motivator always believing in her teammates.

One Punch Man

The strongest man alive Saitama also known as one punch man can end a fight in only one punch, that's a lot of strength in his arms which is perfect for dodgeball, although he's not much of a team player he would be killer towards the other team.

Izuku Midoriya

With his power One For All Midoriya can power up any part of his body and send the strength of 100 men into his force, he is also a tank and would be hard to take down, a great team player he would sacrifice himself in a game to make sure his team members are still playing.

Bonnie Thunder

Real life roller derby super star Bonnie Thunder has got the strength and agility to excel at this sport as much as she excels on the rink. Quickly able to identify her opponents weaknesses she is merciless in a game, a perfect finish to my dream team.